TATV ~ TV Online Streaming

TATV ~ TV Online Streaming

TATV ~ TV Online Streaming Indonesia. TATV stand and office on Jl. Brig Katamso No. 173, Village Mojosongo, District Jebres, Solo. With a frequency of 50 UHF as well as the strength of the transmit power of 10 KW derived from Broadcasting Tower TATV in Hamlet Ngoro-oro, Patuk, Yogyakarta, make broadcast TATV acceptable in the whole area of ​​Solo, Yogyakarta, Sragen, Boyolali, and most of the district of Magelang as well as several areas in Nganjuk, East Java. Moreover, starting 2009, TATV unacceptable in areas Salatiga, ambarawa, Purwodadi, Jepara, Kudus, Pati, and Waterford on channel 50 UHF to build a new transmitter on Mount Telomoyo, Salatiga so it can radiate to the most northern coast of central and eastern Central Java.

TATV has some strong characteristics, namely as a provider of local entertainment as an information tool sharp and to the point, as well as a television enlightening the paradigm of thinking and behaving for the public audience, without leaving the local culture and keep up with the times. With the increasingly wide range of broadcasting which makes TATV can be enjoyed by many viewers in the region of Central Java

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